
matching tags

Jul 17, 2009:

2:58 PM Changeset [75] by laun
final version of MPIA to be sent to Nice

Jul 16, 2009:

4:59 PM Changeset [74] by Udo Neumann
renaming directory typo to "Documentation"
4:35 PM Changeset [73] by laun
4:31 PM Changeset [72] by laun
PDR Document cryostat
2:14 PM Changeset [71] by Udo Neumann
added cabine cooling controllers to warm optics device list
2:05 PM Changeset [70] by Udo Neumann
added cabinet cooling controller to the worm optics device list

Jul 10, 2009:

12:08 PM Changeset [69] by wagner
Changes after phone call of Pierre Antonelli

Jul 9, 2009:

5:08 PM Changeset [68] by wagner
Cabinet layout and space calculation
2:59 PM Changeset [67] by Udo Neumann
adapted document properties so that they are displayed correctly in …
2:23 PM Changeset [66] by wagner
header changes
2:03 PM Changeset [65] by wagner
changed head of pages
1:57 PM Changeset [64] by Michel Dugue
1:56 PM Changeset [63] by Michel Dugue
Corrected typo
1:54 PM Changeset [62] by wagner
First version of Design and Performance Report Electronics
12:54 PM Changeset [61] by Udo Neumann
added directories for PDR documentation
10:59 AM Changeset [60] by Michel Dugue
10:21 AM Changeset [59] by Udo Neumann
added reference to Software Functional Specification manual, removed …
9:16 AM Changeset [58] by Michel Dugue
Reviewed for typo

Jul 8, 2009:

5:24 PM Changeset [57] by Udo Neumann
edited ICS parts and did some changes for other parts: removing empty …
5:12 PM Changeset [56] by Udo Neumann
correction of number of devices, because channels on TIM are not …
4:23 PM Changeset [55] by Udo Neumann
reviewed my part about ICS and read over document if other parts of …

Jul 7, 2009:

5:16 PM Changeset [54] by Udo Neumann
edited part about special connections in MATISSE (ICS)
10:49 AM Changeset [53] by Michel Dugue
Removed ICS software devices names and INS keywords (not needed for PDR)
10:29 AM Changeset [52] by Michel Dugue
Updated OS part, removed ICS alignment piezos
10:14 AM Changeset [51] by Michel Dugue
Put NRTS in the right place in the acronym table

Jul 6, 2009:

5:21 PM Changeset [50] by Udo Neumann
updated synchronization image + edited description about …
11:33 AM Changeset [49] by Philippe Berio
NRTS added in the glossary
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.