
Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of OldPresentations2016S1

15 Aug 2016, 12:19:04 (8 years ago)
Ralph Hofferbert



  • OldPresentations2016S1

    v1 v1  
     1||'''Date''' ||'''Speaker    ''' ||'''Topic''' ||
     2|| '''15.01.2016''' || '''Andreas Quirrenbach (ZAH, LSW Heidelberg)''' || '''The commissioning of CARMENES'''[[BR]] [[BR]]CARMENES  is as new instrument, which has been installed and commissioned at  Calar Alto in the second half of 2015. Besides the Landesternwarte, MPIA  and CAHA another eight institutions in Germany and in Spain  participated in the development of CARMENES.[[BR]][[BR]]This consortium will  devote the coming three years to search for planets around very small  and low-mass stars (so-called red dwarfs). One prime goal is the  discovery of earth-like planets comprising surface temperatures, which  allow for the evolution of life.[[BR]][[BR]]To reach the necessary  sensitivity and precision, CARMENES is equipped with two extremely  stable spectrographs, one for the visible and one for the NIR wavelength  range, respectively. Those are installed inside dedicated vacuum tanks  in the dome's Coudé lab and coupled via fibers to the 3.5m telescope. [[BR]][[BR]]  Between 2016 and 2018, 80% of the observing time of the 3.5m telescope  are reserved for the CARMENES survey. During the remaining night time  the instrument is available for any other project. [[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: German][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     3|| '''22.01.2016''' || '''Ralph Hofferbert''' || '''On the way to the stars: Shipping of LINC-NIRVANA to the LBT[[BR]]'''[[BR]]As already written on our Christmas card:[[BR]]Wintry  mood prevailed in November 2015 on top of Mount Graham, Arizona, at the  Large Binocular Telescope (LBT): After more than ten years of planning,  manufacturing and testing, LINC-NIRVANA found its ultimate mounting pad  between the two primary mirrors of the LBT for the first time. The near  infrared imaging instrument shall combine – depending on the  implementation phase – adaptive optics and interferometric beam  combination of the two mirrors to achieve ultra high spatial resolution.  [[BR]][[BR]]Beforehand, the instrument had been disassembled and made a  6-week-trip over the Atlantic as one oversize transport plus nine sea  containers. In the months to come the delicate optical components and  the cryogenic near-infrared camera will be re-integrated, such that   LINC-NIRVANA and the telescope get finally married from mid of 2016 on.[[BR]][[BR]]The  talk will mainly address the aspects related to the shipping and the  initial installation at LBT. Besides that, the prime features of the  instrument itself and the planned activities for 2016 will be briefly  described.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]] [ Slides: German Part1] [ Part2] [ Part3] [ Part4] (or [ here])[[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     4|| '''29.01.2016''' || '''Werner Laun''' || '''No silhouettes for the VLTI, [[BR]]   two massive stainless steel sculptures from Matisse'''[[BR]][[BR]]Henri   Matisse spent most of his lifetime in Nice and is buried there as  well. This is not the plan for the interferometer of the same name,  which is designated for the VLTI in Chile. Currently, the instrument is  still in the test phase at the  Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur and is  supposed to start its journey to South America in 2017. [[BR]][[BR]]The MPIA  has a quite heavy contribution to this project: Both cryostats, each  with a mass of 1.5 metric tons, have been built in Heidelberg. Various  boundary conditions, contraints and interfaces required a specific and  custom-made realisation. The talk tries describing in a vivid and   generally understandable way how the technological challenges have been  solved.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: Englisch][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     5|| 05.02.2016 || -- || Carnival break ||
     6|| 12.02.2016 || -- || Carnival break ||
     7|| '''19.02.2016''' || '''Jeroen Bouwman''' || '''Precise spectro-photometry from space'''[[BR]][[BR]]The  first thing, which naturally comes to mind when asked what one can do  with spectra, is the detection of spectral lines of atomic and molecular  gas or the signature of dust grains. With this, the chemistry and  physical conditions of very different astronomical environments can be  probed, like stellar and planetary atmospheres and the interstellar  medium and molecular clouds. [[BR]][[BR]]For many applications such as  radial velocity measurements a high spectral resolution and very  accurate wavelength calibration is more important than a precise  absolute flux calibration of the measurements. However, many scientific  applications exist where highly accurate spectro-photometric (i.e. the  absolute and relative flux calibration for each spectral channel) is  crucial. One can think of spectroscopic observations of transiting  exoplanets, time-variability of circumstellar disks or simply  constructing spectral energy distributions by combining the observations  of multiple instruments spanning a wide wavelength range. [[BR]][[BR]]Jeroen  Bouwman will discuss some of the problems encountered and their  solutions to achieve precise spectro-photometry from space for three  different spectrographs: The low resolution spectrograph of Spitzer, the  photoconductor array camera and spectrometer of Herschel, and the  mid-infrared instruments of the James Webb Space Telescope.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: Englisch][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     8|| '''26.02.2016''' || '''Florian Rodler''' || '''The search for Earth 2.0'''[[BR]][[BR]]More  than 20 years ago, the first exoplanet orbiting a sun-like star was  discovered. In these 20 years, a completely new branch of astronomy has  been created: the search for exoplanets and especially for earth-like  planets. We are getting closer and closer in finding an answer to one of  the oldest and most fundamental questions of mankind: Are we alone in  the universe? Is there life outside the earth?[[BR]][[BR]]Rather soon,  astronomy will undergo a revolution - new giant telescopes are about to  be built allowing for an investigation of those faraway worlds in the  coming years with a precision surpassing all current standards. We will  be the first generation of human beings, which will discover  extraterrestial signs of life.[[BR]][[BR]]Florian Rodler will briefly talk  about the discovery methods for exoplanets. He will present the current  status of research in this field and will sketch those strategies, which  allow scientists to identify habitable planets and to find the  signatures of life. [[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: German][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     9|| 04.03.2016 || -- || No speaker found ||
     10|| '''11.03.2016''' || '''Markus Poessel''' || '''Gravitational waves and how to detect them'''[[BR]][[BR]]In  the summer of 1916, Einstein postulated the existence of gravitational  waves: These are tiny little variations in the geometry of space  traveling at the speed of light. On February, 11th 2016, the  LIGO-consortium announced evidence for the first direct detection of  such waves. This would open a completely new window for astronomy - the  adjacency of black holes, the interior of star explosions, in the  medium-term also the time shortly after the big bang would be accessible  for research. [[BR]][[BR]]This !AstroTechTalk will explain, what  gravitational waves are, how they are generated, how one can detect them  - and what this could mean for astronomy in the coming years and  decades.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     11|| 18.03.2016 || || Still vacant ||
     12|| 25.03.2016 || -- || Easter break (Good Friday) ||
     13|| '''01.04.2016''' || '''Mark Norris''' || '''Seeing Further, Denser, Deeper - Science with LINC-NIRVANA'''[[BR]][[BR]]Now  that LINC-NIRVANA is undergoing its final reassembly at the LBT and  well on the road to commissioning on sky in the later part of this year,  it is the perfect time to describe the cutting-edge science that LN  will do. I will briefly present the unique capabilities of LN and then  go on to describe the novel science these capabilities will enable; from  probing the formation sites of stars, finding hitherto illusive  intermediate mass black holes, and investigating the earliest epochs of  formation of the most massive galaxies.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: English                  [[BR]][ Slides: German][[BR]]Questions: English, German (will be translated) ||
     14|| 08.04.2016 || -- || Cancelled (speaker got sick) ||
     15|| '''15.04.2016''' || '''Alexander Sivitilli''' || '''Laser Alignment Teleskop[[BR]][[BR]]'''  The Advanced Rayleigh guided Ground layer adaptive Optics System  (ARGOS) is currently being commissioned at the Large Binocular Telescope  (LBT). This AO set-up is unique in that it harnesses six artificial  laser guide stars to correct wavefronts over a wide 4' x 4' field. Due  to telescope flexure and maintenance, lasers can become misaligned from  the wavefront sensors of ARGOS, requiring frequent manual realignment.  In order to save time in both commissioning and operation of ARGOS, an  automatic alignment of the lasers with the wavefront sensors is needed. [[BR]][[BR]]This  presentation describes the construction and implementation of a Laser  Alignment Telescope (LAT) to acquire images of the launched lasers in  addition to the accompanying Smart Laser Alignment (SLA) algorithm that  automatically identifies and aligns the lasers to their respective  wavefront sensors at which point ARGOS takes control.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: English[[BR]][ Slides: German][[BR]]Questions: English, German ||
     16|| '''22.04.2016''' || '''Frank Kittmann''' || '''What         does a Ranger and a Bastard on Mount Graham?[[BR]][[BR]]'''Soon,  the commissioning of LINC-NIRVANA will start, with it a long     era of  software developments comes to an end. In conjunction with this major  event Frank Kittmann takes the     opportunity to explain the instrument  control software in an easy,     pictorial and understandable way.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     17|| '''29.04.2016''' || '''No talk''' || '''Festkolloquium Thomas Henning''' ||
     18|| 06.05.2016 || -- || Bridging day (Ascension Day) ||
     19|| 13.05.2016 || || ||
     20|| 20.05.2016 || -- || Pentecost break ||
     21|| 27.05.2016 || -- || Bridging day (Corpus Christi) ||
     22|| '''03.06.2016''' || '''Thales Gutcke''' || '''What do galaxies consist of? State-of-the-art simulations of galaxy formation'''[[BR]][[BR]]In  this talk, Thales Gutcke will give a brief overview of the present-day  knowledge of galaxy formation. With a focus on the simulation methods  themselves, she will introduce techniques like N-body and hydrodynamic  calculations. The work is coupled to the central question of her PhD  thesis: What do galaxies consist of? In this context, the talk will give  some insight related to the "circum-galactic medium”, i.e. the nearly  invisible gas far away from the stars within a galaxy[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     23|| '''10.06.2016''' || '''Markus Feldt''' || '''METIS - Future perspective and current status'''[[BR]][[BR]]METIS   is one of the three, currently being developed first-light-instruments  for the giant European telescope E-ELT. As camera and spectrograph for  the mid-infrared wavelength range, it will yield astronomical data with  an unprecedented richness of detail. The prime science case, which  drives the instrument's specification, is the observation of dust disks  around young stars and of exo-planets. But also in other fields, METIS  will provide ground-breaking results.  [[BR]][[BR]]MPIA is the second  largest contributor in the METIS consortium, which is led by NOVA in the  Netherlands. We are responsible for the two imaging cameras and the  wavefront sensor. The ambitious schedule aims for a delivery of the  instrument to ESO in the year 2025.[[BR]][[BR]]          After the PI, Bernhard Brandl, gave a first overview exactly one year ago in the !AstroTechTalk,  Markus Feldt will focus today a bit more on planets and disks and even  stronger on the MPIA work packages and the currently running manpower  discussions.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     24|| '''17.06.2016''' || '''Florian Schindler   [[BR]](Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH)''' || '''High-precision angular gauges for telescopes'''[[BR]][[BR]]Since  years, our instrumentation projects make use of the optical linear and  angular encoders of the company Heidenhain from Upper Bavaria. For  instance, this is currently the case for the De-Rotator in the MICADO  project for the E-ELT. In this talk the company introduces itself and  describes in particular the astronomical application of its optical  sensors.[[BR]][[BR]]The following topics are handled in detail:[[BR]]- Overview of the company Heidenhain[[BR]]- Angular gauges for telescopes[[BR]]- Optical scanning principle in angular gauges[[BR]]- Accuracy and resolution of angular gauges in telescopes[[BR]]- Examples of telescopes making use of the Heidenhain sensors[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     25|| 24.06.2016 || -- || Fachbeirat ||
     26|| '''01.07.2016''' || '''Nadine Neumayer''' || '''What makes ARGOS unique?'''[[BR]][[BR]]ARGOS  (the Advanced Rayleigh guided Ground layer adaptive Optics System)  aboard the LBT projects its six laser guide stars with more than 100  Watts on the Arizonian sky since a while now. It has already been  reported several times, that the guide stars are means to measure the  atmospheric distortion in order to improve the image quality of LUCI  over a large field of view. Which scientific questions we at MPIA want  to answer with this instrument was never reported in detail. [[BR]][[BR]]Nadine  Neumayer will show us some of the first great data that we could get  with ARGOS. Besides exciting pictures she will then highlight a few of  the science cases that ARGOS will enable: from galactic star formation,  the build-up of galactic nuclei, to the detection of massive black  holes.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German                  [[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     27|| 08.07.2016 || -- || Canceled due to sickness ||
     28|| 15.07.2016 || -- || Summer party ||
     29|| 22.07.2016 || -- || Summer break ||
     30|| 29.07.2016 || -- || Summer break ||