
Changes between Version 104 and Version 105 of AstroTechTalk

24 Jun 2015, 17:12:57 (9 years ago)

EUCLID abstact


  • AstroTechTalk

    v104 v105  
    4949|| '''12.06.2015''' || '''Bernhard Brandl [[BR]](Leiden Observatory)''' || '''METIS - the Mid-Infrared E-ELT Imager and Spectrograph''' [[BR]] [[BR]]METIS will be one of the three first science instruments on the E-ELT.   It will provide diffraction limited imaging and spectroscopy from  3-19µm.  Focusing on its unique position on a 39m telescope, METIS will  provide a new window to the thermal infrared universe at angular  resolutions similar to what HST achieves in the optical, and unique high  resolution (R~100,000) integral-field spectroscopy with JWST-like  sensitivity (for unresolved lines). [[BR]] [[BR]]The talk will focus on the science case for METIS with an emphasis on  circum-stellar disks and exoplanets, the technical concept of the  instrument, and some recent technology developments.  Bernhard Brandl will also  highlight the anticipated role of MPIA within the METIS project. [[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    5050|| 19.06.2015 || -- || No talk (preparations for open house day) ||
    51 || 26.06.2015 || Knud Jahnke || EUCLID ||
     51|| '''26.06.2015''' || '''Knud Jahnke''' || '''EUCLID'''[[BR]][[BR]]Do you know what dark energy and dark matter is? But they make 95% of the energy in the universe! EUCLID is an M-class mission of ESA launching 2020, with the goal to change our understanding of this dark side of the universe. The satellite has two instruments aboard. One is a visible imager (VIS) and the other is a near infrared spectrometer and photometer (NISP). MPIA builds two major components of NISP. The first component is the calibration source of NISP and the second are the infrared filters of the instrument. But our institute is also involved in the calibration of the mission, simulation of the NISP instrument[[BR]] and we supply the mission with the photometry instrument scientist.[[BR]][[BR]] Knud Jahnke will present an overview of EUCLID and NISP and tell us the current status of the NISP development in house and over all.[[BR]][[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    5252|| '''03.07.2015''' || '''Reinhard Mundt''' || '''CARMENES''' [[BR]][[BR]]The talk will consist of two main parts. The first part I will give an overview over the whole CARMENES-Project. CARMENES consists of two high-resolution 'echelle spectrographs (R=82000) for the search of extrasolar planets around nearby low-mass stars. One spectrograph covers the optical wavelength range (0.55-0.95 micron) and the other one the NIR wavelength range (1.0 - 1.7 micron). In the second part of the talk I will report about the detector cryostat for the NIR spectrograph, which is the major contribution of the MPIA to this project. It is equipped with a mosaic of two Hawaii 2RG detectors, which will be operated at about 85 K. This detector cryostat has been recently sent to our partner institute (IAA, Granada), where it will integrated soon for the first time in the 140 K cold NIR spectrograph. [[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    5353|| 10.07.2015 || Thomas Bertram || Final tests before the LINC-NIRVANA shipment ||