
The AstroTechTalk (ger) offers a place to discuss, for all interested colleagues and especially for the technical departments, the project leaders, the administration and the scientists as the ultimately users:

  • status of instrumentation projects
  • scientific tasks and features of the instruments in construction or planned
  • new possible involvements
  • technical innovations and developments
  • technical problems and their solutions
  • logistical problems and their solutions
  • how to improve operation and observation
  • project standards.

Time: Always Mondays 15:00 - 16:00

Location: MPIA Hoersaal


  • Announcements (news, visitors, etc.) (mainly in German)
  • Talk of about 30 min about a selected topic (German or English, will be announced)
  • Follow up discussion and questions (German or English, depending on the speaker)

Proposals for talks: Please send an email to "huber -at-" or "naranjo -at-" - alternatively you might reach us by phone (06221-528331 or -290) or in person (room 111 or 018) at MPIA.

Date Speaker Topic
17.03.2025 Jörg F. Wagner (University of Stuttgart) The SOFIA flying observatory: technology and history

SOFIA was an airborne observatory of NASA and DLR for infrared astronomy. It was operated at altitudes of around 13 km, where observation conditions are better than on the ground. A large reflector telescope was installed in the fuselage of a Boeing 747. Compared to satellite-borne observatories, SOFIA's observation instruments could be easily replaced and were directly accessible to scientists in flight. Construction and commissioning of the observatory lasted from 1999 to 2014, with observation operations continuing until 2022. The lecture presents the technology and history of the SOFIA project.

Presentation: German
Slides: English
Questions: German, English


DD.MM.2025 - Speaker: Title


Presentations from 12.09. - 31.12.2014

Presentations from 01.01. - 31.07.2015

Presentations from 01.08. - 31.12.2015

Presentations from 01.01. - 31.07.2016

Presentations from 01.08. - 31.12.2016

Presentations from 01.01. - 31.07.2017

Presentations from 01.08. - 31.12.2017

Presentations from 01.01. - 31.07.2018

Presentations from 01.08. - 31.12.2018

Presentations from 01.01. - 31.07.2019

Presentations from 01.08. - 31.12.2019

Presentations from 01.01. - 31.07.2020

Presentations from 01.08. - 31.12.2020

Presentations 2021S1

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Presentations 2024

Last modified 4 days ago Last modified on 5 Mar 2025, 23:42:11

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