
Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of AstroTechTalk

30 Oct 2014, 17:04:04 (10 years ago)

abstract meister


  • AstroTechTalk

    v27 v28  
    3333|| '''24.10.2014''' || '''Jacopo Farinato[[BR]]'''(OA Padova, SHARK-PI) || '''A SHARK for the Laarge Binocular Telescope (LBT)[[BR]][[BR]]'''A SHARK in the desert of Arizona, are you kidding? This presentation will not be about the killer fish. In April this year, SHARK was selected by the LBT board as possible second generation instrument. The instrument team was asked to move on with a Phase A study. The concept of the instrument goals on studying planets in the near-infrared with a coronograph and in the visual with a integral field spectrograph. But it will serve also[[BR]]other science cases. Jacopo Farinato will explain us the details of the instrument, what happened since April and how the consortium and instrument evolved. There have been different opinion between LBT Observatory and the consortium how the implementation should go on. Make up your own opinion if this is the right path. It might be still time to influence it.'''[[BR]]'''[[BR]]Talk: English                  [[BR]]Slides: English[[BR]]Questions: English, (German) ||
    3434|| 31.10.2014 || -- || GAIA Challange ||
    35 || '''[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Change!!)]][[BR]]07.11.2014''' || '''Roman Follert''' || '''CRIRES''' - Update[[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German                                          [[BR]]Slides: English                              [[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    36 || 14.11.2014 || Stefan Meister || '''Azubipreise 2011-2014''' ||
     35|| '''[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Change!!)]][[BR]]07.11.2014''' || '''Roman Follert[[BR]]'''(Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Project Manager) || '''CRIRES''' - Update[[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German                                          [[BR]]Slides: English                              [[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     36|| '''14.11.2014''' || '''Stefan Meister''' || '''Apprenticeship award 2011-2014 mechanical workshop[[BR]]The second star of the apprenticeship - history of his origin'''[[BR]][[BR]]Usually, we at MPIA observe stars. However, others like the national football teams get stars for winning the world championship. But also our administration and mechanical workshop has already earned a second star for its apprenticeship. Two times, the MPIA won the apprenticeship award, which is given each year to three  Max-Planck Institute doing apprenticeship. Stefan Meister introduces to us his very impressive concept, which he developed for the apprenticeship in the mechanical workshop. He will answer questions like:[[BR]]- What is the content of the apprenticeship concept in the mechanical workshop and how is the history of his origin?[[BR]]- How can you get nominated for the award and what it is the award given for?[[BR]]- And what does apprenticeship mean?[[BR]]He will also report on his goals and what kind of projects are done during the apprenticeship and what happened to the awarded money. But what is next and how to get there? .... a journey to a third star.[[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German                                          [[BR]]Slides: German[[BR]]Questions: German, (English) ||
    3737|| 21.11.2014 || Jörg-Uwe Pott || Vibration control in observational astronomy ||
    3838|| 28.11.2014 || Oliver Krause || '''SPICA-SAFARI''' ||