
Changes between Version 310 and Version 311 of AstroTechTalk

6 Nov 2017, 08:07:28 (7 years ago)
Ralph Hofferbert



  • AstroTechTalk

    v310 v311  
    3333|| 03.11.2017[[BR]](10hrs, HdA) || || ||
    3434|| '''10.11.2017[[BR]](11hrs, MPIA lecture hall)''' || '''Wolfgang Gaessler''' || '''4MOST - An Update'''[[BR]][[BR]]The 4MOST project upgrades the 4m VISTA  telescope on Paranal to a spectroscopic facility. Two low resolution  spectrographs (R ~ 5000) and one high resolution spectrograph (R ~  20000) are fed with light from 2400 fibers. [[BR]][[BR]]In the first 10  years of operation, 4MOST will serve 11 surveys of the responsible  consortium. In addition, whole community surveys are planned to observe  nearly everything on sky (except for exoplanets): individual stars in  the Milky Way galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds, AGN, supernovae and  their hosts, quasars, LRGs, ELGs, and galaxy clusters. [[BR]][[BR]]Wolfgang Gaessler will give a project update and will explain interesting technical features in more detail.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German[[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    35 || '''17.11.2017[[BR]](10hrs, HdA)''' || '''Hans J. Kaercher  (MT Mechatronics GmbH)''' || '''Thinking in Forces [[BR]](as a Tool for designing Telescope Structures)'''[[BR]][[BR]]What is a force? One can start reflecting about it and philosophers have written whole books about this question. Ludwig Buechner, a  „middle-class materialist“ of the 19th century wrote in his book „Kraft und Stoff“: „Kraft kann nichts weiter sein als eine  Eigenschaft der Materie“, or „Kräfte lassen sich nicht mitteilen,  sondern nur wecken“, and in this sense he is obviously with Isaac Newton, who is the originator of "thinking in forces" following his famous observation of the falling apple. Much later this led to the special engineering branch "structural mechanics", which was originally applied to bridge and building construction, lateron even in the more sophisticated branch of aerospace engineering.[[BR]][[BR]]„Thinking in forces“ in the form of "graphical structural analysis" became a branch of engineering in the middle of the 19th century. This enables to think in both the "physical space" and the "force space", i.e. besides a design drawing also a force diagram is required. This is similar to projective geometry, where also dual spaces exist. Hans Kaercher will explain this approach in three examples:[[BR]]1) designing reflectors for radio telescopes;[[BR]]2) designing primary mirror supports for large optical telescopes;[[BR]]3) designing tracking mounts for large optical elements.[[BR]]These examples will be discussed in the framework of currently running projects, like e.g. the 110m  radio telescope QTT and the extremely large optical telescope GMT.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German[[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     35|| '''17.11.2017[[BR]](10hrs, HdA)''' || '''Hans J. Kaercher  (MT Mechatronics GmbH)''' || '''Thinking in Forces [[BR]](as a Tool for designing Telescope Structures)'''[[BR]][[BR]]What is a force? One can start reflecting about it and philosophers have written whole books about this question. Ludwig Buechner, a  „middle-class materialist“ of the 19th century wrote in his book „Kraft und Stoff“: „Kraft kann nichts weiter sein als eine  Eigenschaft der Materie“, or „Kräfte lassen sich nicht mitteilen,  sondern nur wecken“, and in this sense he is obviously with Isaac Newton, who is the originator of "thinking in forces" following his famous observation of the falling apple. Much later this led to the special engineering branch "structural mechanics", which was originally applied to bridge and building construction, lateron even in the more sophisticated branch of aerospace engineering.[[BR]][[BR]]„Thinking in forces“ in the form of "graphical structural analysis" became a branch of engineering in the middle of the 19th century. This enables to think in both the "physical space" and the "force space", i.e. besides a design drawing also a force diagram is required. This is similar to projective geometry, where also dual spaces exist. Hans Kaercher will explain this approach in three examples:[[BR]]1) designing reflectors for radio telescopes;[[BR]]2) designing primary mirror supports for large optical telescopes;[[BR]]3) designing tracking mounts for large optical elements.[[BR]]These examples will be discussed in the framework of design contributions to different telescope projects, like e.g. the radio telescope LMT/GTM, the IR telescope SOFIA and the optical telescope ELT.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German[[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    3636|| 24.11.2017[[BR]](10hrs, HdA) || Peter Bizenberger || The ELT METIS Imager ||
    3737|| 01.12.2017[[BR]](10hrs, HdA) || Thomas Henning || The Future of optical and infrared Astronomy ||