52 | | || '''28.06.2019[[BR]](10hrs, HdA Auditorium)''' || '''Horst Steuer''' || '''Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy and Applications''' [[BR]] [[BR]]Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy is a popular tool to examine the inner workings of biological cells. Fluorescent markers can be attached to specific sites within a cell which then appear as point shaped light sources under a microscope similar to stars in the night sky. By observing these molecules information about structures within a cell, dynamics of moving particles or interactions between objects can be deduced. [[BR]][[BR]]This talk gives a brief introduction to single molecule localisation microscopy. In the second part of the talk some of the software tricks to achieve real-time performance for the analysis of the image data are revealed. Finally, example applications are presented: DNA sequencing and molecule tracking, as well as the development of a new type of fluorescent markers based on nanodiamonds.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German[[BR]][https://svn.mpia.de/trac/gulli/att/raw-attachment/wiki/AlteVortraege2019S1/2019-06-28_SingleMolecule.pdf Slides: English] [[BR]]Questions: German, English || |
| 52 | || '''28.06.2019[[BR]](10hrs, HdA Auditorium)''' || '''Horst Steuer''' || '''Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy and Applications''' [[BR]] [[BR]]Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy is a popular tool to examine the inner workings of biological cells. Fluorescent markers can be attached to specific sites within a cell which then appear as point shaped light sources under a microscope similar to stars in the night sky. By observing these molecules information about structures within a cell, dynamics of moving particles or interactions between objects can be deduced. [[BR]][[BR]]This talk gives a brief introduction to single molecule localisation microscopy. In the second part of the talk some of the software tricks to achieve real-time performance for the analysis of the image data are revealed. Finally, example applications are presented: DNA sequencing and molecule tracking, as well as the development of a new type of fluorescent markers based on nanodiamonds.[[BR]][[BR]]Presentation: German[[BR]][https://svn.mpia.de/trac/gulli/att/raw-attachment/wiki/AlteVortraege2019S1/2019-06-28_SMLM.pdf Slides: English] [[BR]]Questions: German, English || |