
Changes between Version 45 and Version 46 of AstroTechTalk

29 Dec 2014, 18:00:04 (9 years ago)

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  • AstroTechTalk

    v45 v46  
    2424[[BR]]Please send proposals for talks via e-mail to: gaessler, hofferbert - or also available in room 021 or 211.
     26||'''Date'''  ||'''Speaker'''                    ||'''Topic''' ||
     27|| 09.01.2015 || No talk (Christmas break)       ||            || 
     28|| 16.01.2015 || Wolfgang Gaessler               || ARGOS closed loop||
     29|| 23.01.2015 || Peter Bizenberger               || Mission Impossible: The alignment of LINC-NIRVANA||
     30|| 30.01.2015 || Peter Hartmann (Schott AG)      || Ultra low expansion glass ceramic ZERODUR||
     31|| 06.02.2015 || Matthias Lezius (Menlo Systems) || Technology and applications of frequency comb lasers||
     32|| 13.02.2015 || Tom Herbst / Patrick Fopp       || LBT all-sky camera||
     33|| 20.02.2015 || Ralf-Rainer Rohloff             || Carbon fiber components in astronomical instruments||
     34|| 27.02.2015 || Sascha Douffet                  || Occupational safety at MPIA||
     35|| 06.03.2015 || Uwe Graser                      || MATISSE||
     36|| 13.03.2015 || Silvia Scheithauer              || JWST MIRI||
     37|| 20.03.2015 || Michael Lehmitz                 || PLC control for MATISSE||
     38|| 27.03.2015 ||                                 ||             ||   
     4203.04.2015 Good Friday
     4410.04.2015 No talk (Easter break)
     4617.04.2015 Reinhard Mundt - CARMENES
     48Last available Friday before Christmas 2015 Dietrich Lemke - Fraunhofer & Co.
     50Program from 01.09 to 31.12.2014
    2652||'''Date''' ||'''Speaker''' ||'''Topic''' ||
    2753|| '''12.09.2014''' || '''Martin Kürster''' || '''The project landscape of the technical departments'''[[BR]][[BR]]Here's another one of those funny names for a new instrument. But actually, what is it about?  Do you also sometimes feel like this? Martin Kürster will give us an overview of the instruments we are building at MPIA.  From this, we should be able to get the connection between those acronyms and the instruments.  But not only that, after several years of heavy overbooking of the technical departments the mid-term future of the project landscape has recently become a bit unclear due to repeated delays of the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). Martin Kürster will also tell us about possible future initiatives, project acquisitions still under discussion, that will pose new challenges for the technical departments.[[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German                                          [[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    3359|| '''24.10.2014''' || '''Jacopo Farinato[[BR]]'''(OA Padova, SHARK-PI) || '''A SHARK for the Laarge Binocular Telescope (LBT)[[BR]][[BR]]'''A SHARK in the desert of Arizona, are you kidding? This presentation will not be about the killer fish. In April this year, SHARK was selected by the LBT board as possible second generation instrument. The instrument team was asked to move on with a Phase A study. The concept of the instrument goals on studying planets in the near-infrared with a coronograph and in the visual with a integral field spectrograph. But it will serve also other science cases. Jacopo Farinato will explain us the details of the instrument, what happened since April and how the consortium and instrument evolved. There have been different opinion between LBT Observatory and the consortium how the implementation should go on. Make up your own opinion if this is the right path. It might be still time to influence it.'''[[BR]]'''[[BR]]Talk: English                  [[BR]]Slides: English[[BR]]Questions: English, (German) ||
    3460|| 31.10.2014 || -- || GAIA Challange ||
    35 || '''[[BR]]07.11.2014''' || '''Roman Follert[[BR]]'''(Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Project Manager) || '''CRIRES - Upgrade'''[[BR]][[BR]]CRIRES was a high resolution near infrared spectrograph at the VLT doing important observations already for years. Study of extrasolar planets has been one of the field the instrument was very successful. However, the instantaneous wavelength range of one observation was quite limited due to its special design. Therefore, 2011, the CRIRES upgrade project was born. The goal of the upgrade is to rebuild CRIRES into a full Echelle spectrograph, which can cover a larger wavelength range in one shot. The scientific goals of CRIRES are studying exoplanets around young stars and the formation and evolution of stellar magnetic fields.[[BR]][[BR]]Roman Follert will tell us about the project status and the new extended capabilities of the "New" CRIRES, which will become a real planet hunter. For sure, some people already awaiting this instrument wishful. [[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]]Slides: English[[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     61|| '''[[BR]]07.11.2014''' || '''Roman Follert[[BR]]'''(Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Project Manager) || '''CRIRES - Upgrade'''[[BR]][[BR]]CRIRES was a high resolution near infrared spectrograph at the VLT doing important observations already for years. Study of extrasolar planets has been one of the field the instrument was very successful. However, the instantaneous wavelength range of one observation was quite limited due to its special design. Therefore, 2011, the CRIRES upgrade project was born. The goal of the upgrade is to rebuild CRIRES into a full Echelle spectrograph, which can cover a larger wavelength range in one shot. The scientific goals of CRIRES are studying exoplanets around young stars and the formation and evolution of stellar magnetic fields.[[BR]][[BR]]Roman Follert will tell us about the project status and the new extended capabilities of the "New" CRIRES, which will become a real planet hunter. For sure, some people already awaiting this instrument wishful. [[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]][ Slides: English][[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    3662|| '''14.11.2014''' || '''Stefan Meister''' || '''Apprenticeship award 2011-2014 mechanical workshop[[BR]]The second star of the apprenticeship - history of his origin'''[[BR]][[BR]]Usually, we at MPIA observe stars. However, others like the national football teams get stars for winning the world championship. But also our administration and mechanical workshop has already earned a second star for its apprenticeship. Two times, the MPIA won the apprenticeship award, which is given each year to three  Max-Planck Institute doing apprenticeship. Stefan Meister introduces to us his very impressive concept, which he developed for the apprenticeship in the mechanical workshop. He will answer questions like:[[BR]]  - What is the content of the apprenticeship concept in the mechanical workshop and how is the history of his origin?[[BR]]  - How can you get nominated for the award and what it is the award given for?[[BR]]  - And what does apprenticeship mean?[[BR]]He will also report on his goals and what kind of projects are done during the apprenticeship and what happened to the awarded money. But what is next and how to get there? .... a journey to a third star.[[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German                                          [[BR]]Slides: German[[BR]]Questions: German, (English) ||
    37 || '''21.11.2014''' || '''Jörg-Uwe Pott''' || '''Vibration control in observational astronomy'''[[BR]][[BR]]Just like in any other high precision instrumentation field (microscopy for example), in astronomy we need to deal with vibrations, when aiming to reach for the diffraction limit of our telescopes. Telescopes are exposed to strong, variable wind load, cooling pumps, electronics fans etc, and at the same time the mirror mounts shall be lightweight, so that vibrations cannot always be avoided by stiff design and passive damping. In fact, vibrations (rather than atmospheric turbulence) are limiting the sensitivity of the highest resolution instruments we have in the optical and near-infrared range: the interferometers.[[BR]][[BR]]Joerg Uwe will present three projects related to LINC-NIRVANA at the LBT and MICADO a near-infrared high-resolutionimager for the EELT, which give an example of what can and need to be done to reach the diffraction limit, beyond the correction of the turbulent atmosphere. Together with the Institute for System Dynamics (ISYS) at the University of Stuttgart, we developed a new, powerful filter strategy to derive vibration information from accelerometer sensors without wasting star light. First tests demonstrate a 2.5-5x better performance and more robustness to changing conditions than classical control strategies, currently applied at the VLTI and LBTI.[[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]]Slides: English[[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
     63|| '''21.11.2014''' || '''Jörg-Uwe Pott''' || '''Vibration control in observational astronomy'''[[BR]][[BR]]Just like in any other high precision instrumentation field (microscopy for example), in astronomy we need to deal with vibrations, when aiming to reach for the diffraction limit of our telescopes. Telescopes are exposed to strong, variable wind load, cooling pumps, electronics fans etc, and at the same time the mirror mounts shall be lightweight, so that vibrations cannot always be avoided by stiff design and passive damping. In fact, vibrations (rather than atmospheric turbulence) are limiting the sensitivity of the highest resolution instruments we have in the optical and near-infrared range: the interferometers.[[BR]][[BR]]Joerg Uwe will present three projects related to LINC-NIRVANA at the LBT and MICADO a near-infrared high-resolutionimager for the EELT, which give an example of what can and need to be done to reach the diffraction limit, beyond the correction of the turbulent atmosphere. Together with the Institute for System Dynamics (ISYS) at the University of Stuttgart, we developed a new, powerful filter strategy to derive vibration information from accelerometer sensors without wasting star light. First tests demonstrate a 2.5-5x better performance and more robustness to changing conditions than classical control strategies, currently applied at the VLTI and LBTI.[[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]][ Slides: English[[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    3864|| '''28.11.2014''' || '''Oliver Krause'''[[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]]'''[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Special!!)]][[BR]]Hans-Walter Rix''' || '''SPICA-SAFARI''' [[BR]][[BR]]Sorry, this is not a multi-vision show about sunsets, landscapes and wild animals. SPICA is the next generation infrared astronomy mission and SAFARI is an instrument on this 3.2m diameter space telescope. Currently, the European and Japanese Space Agencies study the feasibility of this mission, which plans to operate in the 20-210 um wavelength range and on an actively cooled primary mirror at a temperature of 6 Kelvin (-267 Celsius). SPICA will be about two orders of magnitude more sensitive than HERSCHEL. SAFARI  is one of the three instruments discussed for the SPICA payload, an imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer employing ultra-sensitive TES bolometers. These bolometers are superconducting at low temperatures and have a large quantum efficiency. The instrument will be built by a European consortium. Oliver Krause will give us an overview of the current status of the project and discuss its science case and the potential contributions from MPIA to the SAFARI instrument.  [[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]]Slides: English[[BR]]Questions: German, English [[BR]][[BR]]'''Instrumentation at MPIA - How does it go on ?'''[[BR]]The directors view. ||
    3965|| '''05.12.2014''' || '''Aleksei Pavlov,[[BR]]Markus Feldt''' || '''The SPHERE Pipeline - the key to the planets[[BR]][[BR]]''' Recently, SPHERE the planet finder imager was commissioned at the VLT and is currently running through its verification tests.The key component of the system is the data analysis pipeline built by MPIA.[[BR]][[BR]]Modern astronomical observations differ fundamentally from the old fashioned "taking images": The preparation starts at home. The observation sequence is compounded from given templates. I.e. the acquisition of an object, the setup of the instrument as well as the sequence of exposures. Than, the observation at the telescope is more or less fully automatic and after a sequence of exposures is finished the data analysis starts also fully automatically.[[BR]][[BR]]Markus Feldt and Aleksei Pavlov will explain to us the data flow from the idea which the astronomer has in mind, down to the final planet detection. The focus will be on the detection, which is done with help of the delivered pipeline. They will shortly explain all the details of each processing step and intermediate analysis. Don't miss this talk if you want to be sure, that the outcome of your observation is not just an artifact.[[BR]][[BR]]Talk: German[[BR]]Slides: English[[BR]]Questions: German, English ||
    4167|| 19.12.2014 || -- || Christmas party ||
    4268|| 26.12.2014 ||-- || Christmas ||
    44 Preview:
    46 09.01.2015 No talk (Christmas break)
    48 16.01.2015 Wolfgang Gaessler - ARGOS closed loop
    50 23.01.2015 Peter Bizenberger - Mission Impossible: The alignment of LINC-NIRVANA
    52 30.01.2015 Peter Hartmann (Schott AG) - Ultra low expansion glass ceramic ZERODUR
    54 06.02.2015 Matthias Lezius (Menlo Systems) - Technology and applications of frequency comb lasers
    56 13.02.2015 Tom Herbst / Patrick Fopp - LBT all-sky camera
    58 20.02.2015 Ralf-Rainer Rohloff - Carbon fiber components in astronomical instruments
    60 27.02.2015 Sascha Douffet - Occupational safety at MPIA
    62 06.03.2015 Uwe Graser - MATISSE
    64 13.03.2015 Silvia Scheithauer - JWST MIRI
    66 20.03.2015 Michael Lehmitz - PLC control for MATISSE
    68 27.03.2015 still available
    70 03.04.2015 Good Friday
    72 10.04.2015 No talk (Easter break)
    74 17.04.2015 Reinhard Mundt - CARMENES
    76 Last available Friday before Christmas 2015 Dietrich Lemke - Fraunhofer & Co.